10 Benefits of Green Cleaning

Possibly the hardest part of switching to greener cleaners is deciding which ones to buy.  Once you have a tried-and-true cleaning favorite, it's hard to bother to switch to something new.  Luckily, I've done all that annoying research plus trial-and-error stuff for you.  In the next couple of weeks I'll be introducing you to all of my favorite green cleaners.  There are definitely others out there that work.  These are just the ones that I've tried that have worked for me.

Here are some of the advantages of green cleaning:
  1. One of the easiest ways to reduce your families' exposure to toxins
  2. No toxic fumes - no need to worry about proper ventilation or indoor air pollution
  3. No toxic residue - so you don't have to rinse after using on surfaces that come in contact with food which will eventually be eaten (which, in my house, includes kitchen counters, kitchen table plus all floors)
  4. No need to change cleaners when pregnant
  5. Kids can clean with you
  6. No gloves required
  7. Don't have to lock up cleaners to avoid poisoning
  8. Don't have to worry about mixing 2 cleaners into a toxic cocktail
  9. Better for the environment - the fishies will thank you
  10. Cheaper, if you make them yourself 
Stay tuned for more posts on green cleaning. 

The complete Green Cleaning Series:


    1. Great post! I'm really interested in making my own. So, can't wait to hear more!


    2. Establishing green cleaning methods in your home aims to promote a healthy environment. Green cleaning also aims to minimize the harm done to the environment by replacing chemical cleaners and products with natural alternatives.


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